воскресенье, 5 мая 2019 г.

All of us want to be happy. We have only one life and only one chance to live. And all of us always try to find out what makes us happy: good relationships, own business, a lot of traveling, good film or just a good book in the evening. That is different for everybody. And it is normal. We all are unique and have to use it in our life.
But. on my opinion, a lot of people just prefer to be lazy, do not do anything, just wake up, go to work, have some supper after and watch some films or serials with snacks before go to bed. And then repeat.
Maybe it is because I live in the small town and I just do not see how people spent their time in real life. Possibly that I am wrong. But, I just miss for people who can inspire me. Two years already I live here and only one motivation for  self-development here is me. I am so missing for that time when I worked with my personal trainers, always got ready for some competition.I won and failed. That was alright, it was my experience. And now I understand, in that time my self-development made me happy. When I could show for other that I am faster, stronger, smarter then other, I felt happiness.
Now I live with my husband and I love him so much. Just one thing makes me feel sad sometimes: that filling, when you fight with others and with yourself. I love competitions and maybe this is my problem. I had so a lot of stress and sometimes I felt so tired. But I loved it.
When I finally have some routine I can not enjoy it sometimes. It is weird life. I hope in one day I will change my mind about it.

воскресенье, 24 марта 2019 г.

How to get fit and fabulous within one week All women spend different amount of time to take care of  themselves. And all of them want to stay beautiful  throughout the whole year. Here I want to share with you how create your good-looking habits and how to achieve this purpose.Tip#1. Monday. Exercising.We need to exercise every day. So, now we do cardio every day for 30 minutes. It can be running, jumping, etc. Then we do full body workout. Do 15-20 reps, 3-5 circuits and 1-minute rest between circuits.Tip#2. Tuesday. Healthy food.We eat clean and healthy. Everybody knows that to stay strong, feel good and be full of energy we need to eat well and control what we eat. So now we eat healthy during whole week and have cheat meal once per week or once per 2 weeks.Tip#3. Wednesday. Water control.The body is about 72% water, and water is vitally necessary for every important bodily function. Now we drink 8 glasses of water and keep us ourselves hydrated during the whole day.Tip#4. Thursday. Skin care.Everybody has different type of skin. So, we figure it out what kind of skin we have, and then find the system how to take care of our type of skin and follow it.Tip#5. Friday. Nails care.We use moisturizers for our hands, care for our cuticles, avoid using harsh polish, choose a good remover and make a natural nail-straightening treatment.Tip#6. Saturday. Hair care.We wash hair when it is necessary; avoid washing hair with hot water, and use a comb when hair is wet. Let your hair air dry and trim it regularly.Tip#7. Sunday. Relax day.We take time to enjoy a bath, kick back and relax with ex-foliation and a mask, use some aroma candles and make some massage after. Then we make sleep a priority and get ready for the next week.Good luck for everybody!

воскресенье, 17 марта 2019 г.

What is your favorite room in your house?Why?
I guess my favorite room is living room. That is because this room associates for me with relax and hobbies. What do I mean? I have exercising in living room, because it is big enough and there is a TV where I watch and repeat different kinds of exercising. I and my husband spent more time together  in this room because of serials and films. When we invite our friends we play some games in this room. And I like to read books or just watch something on my laptop in this room.   The sofa there is so convenient. My favorite time is when outside is rain and a little bit windy and I sit on the sofa, drink some tea or hot chocolate and read some journal or fantasy or romance. I think it is enough reasons to loving this room. Hope everybody can enjoy living room like me.
Image result for living room reading books
The best day of the week
The best day of the week is Friday. From Monday till Thursday I plan what will do on a weekend. For example clean the house, wash the clothes, clean the garbages, cut the grass( on summer season), cook something for the week for me and my husband, talk with my parents. All of these things I do on a weekend.
But on Friday after work I do not do anything. I go home and relax. Cook or just make an order for supper in Chinese restaurant, watch some films or serials, or make the beauty evening for myself. I can relax in a bathroom with a lot of bubbles, aroma candles and a good music. Than do some masks for my face and hair, scrub my body and then put favorite coconut lotion. I love that amazing feeling after.
Image result for bathroom relax
 Or I just can go home, grub some snacks and tea and make manicure and pedicure. That is a good plan too for evening on Friday.
The conclusion is that evening Friday is only for myself. I do something what makes me feel better after all work days. I refresh myself and it is my habit now.
I wish a good Friday for everyone!
Image result for happy friday

четверг, 7 февраля 2019 г.

Is the school year too long or too short? Why?
For me the school year was too long.I hated my school and did not want to go there. It was like surviving in jungles. If you strong and tricky then you have a chance, but if not, other children or teachers will make your life in school terrible. The weekends always were too short.Only two days. It is almost nothing. You just begin your study week on Monday, a half of day studying,then go home, have small rest or eat something, and then make your homework, study again.It was  till midnight sometimes.  And this script is repeated over and over again. Five days per week, in the best case. 
Image result for school yearMy class in the school was one of the worth. If you smart and like study, learn new information and show for teacher that you enjoy of the lessons, then after studying other children will let you understand that you cannot be like that.You can't be smart, if somebody is stupid and do not like studying. You have to be like other. Better stay quiet if do not want to have the problems after lessons.
I would make studying four or three days and weekend three of four days too.It is impossible, i know. Three days are not enough for good studying, but is something what I would change. 
What does it mean to love someone?
Image result for loveLove. It is a BIG word. It has so mane meanings. To love and be loved in return is the best feeling in the world. Love is what makes the world go around, because it inspires, motivates and makes people happy. But love and also tear people apart. Love can do a lot of things in a person's life, but what does it really mean to love someone?
For me, first of all it means supporting the other person.Even when you may disagree at first, you will only give your opinions on the situations and support your partner's decision no matter what that is.
Loving someone is making time for him or for her. No matter how busy you are, you never forget to ask how his or her day went, express how much you miss him or her and do the small things to show that you care.
Loving someone means determination and dedication. Uncommitted love is not  true love. It mean that you will stick with you partner through the good and bad, and that you only have your eyes for him or her, not looking for other "options".
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Loving someone means getting furious when you feel that your relationship is threatened. It means fighting for one you love. As the saying goes, love is much like a rose, gentle and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.

Loving someone means peace of mind. You both trust each other even if you are not always together. It means your partner feel secure, and offer the assurance that he or she will always be someone special to you no matter what the circumstances are.

If you were a color, what color would you be and why?

Image result for yellow fruitsIf I were a color, I would be a yellow color. First of all, it's because it is my favorite color. At second, it is color of sunshine, hope and happiness.  Studies show that meaning of the color yellow can be warmth, cheerfulness, increased mental activity, increased muscle energy. The color yellow helps activate the memory, encourage communication,  enhance vision, built confidence and stimulate the nervous system.
In addition, the color yellow is the color of my favorite fruits, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, lemons, oranges,pears and apples. 

 Bright yellow is an attention getting color, and when used in combination with black, it creates one of the easiest color combinations to read and see from long distances. This is why school buses, taxi cabs and traffic signs are painted yellow and black. Image result for yellow color happiness
The color yellow is spontaneous and and unstable color. These characteristics are present to my character.  In different cultures yellow has different meanings. In some cultures, yellow represents peace. In Egypt yellow was worn ti signify the dead. In Japan, yellow stands the courage. In India yellow is the color of the merchants. 

суббота, 2 февраля 2019 г.

Image result for New Year ResolutionsNew Year Resolutions1.    What was the most memorable event of 2018?
At first, it was my first New Year in Canada together with my husband and without our families. We celebrated it with our friends and it was good enough. At second, I passed the theory exam for driver license and at third, I changed my job. I worked in the hotel before like a cook. I liked that job in the beginning, but after a few month I became to hate it and it was too hard to stay there. And now I am glad, that I work in the store.2.    What do you expect from 2019?
First of all I hope we will get our documents for Permanent resident and begin planning for moving to other bigger city. In addition, I hope we will visit our families at home or at least go to somewhere for holidays, with big beaches, oceans and great hotels.3.    What are your goals in learning English in 2019? What would you like to work on? What would you like to be able to do by the end of 2019?
One of my goal is to learn all tenses and majority rules in English, such as conditionals, phrasal verbs, perfect passive, participles and other and use them correct and as often as possible in my daily speaking.  And of course learn new words; watch more films, serials and cartoons, listen and read more on English. Also I would like to work on other goals. I want:
·       to do exercising regularly at home and eat more healthy food
·       make more cosmetic procedures for body and face, such as massage, scrubbing and other
·       control and track financial expenses and make more savings
·       read minimum 30 min per day or 1 book per 2-3 weeks
·       learn how to create and edit high quality photos and videos
·       create and begin my fitness blog and do posts regularly
·       go to bed earlier, and wake up at 6-7a.m. every day
·       write my diary every day
          And I would like to able to do by the end of 2019:
Ø feel more energy in my body and be more active
Ø be more confident in English
Ø achieve majority of my purposes for 2019

среда, 21 ноября 2018 г.

What is your favorite game? Why is it your favorite?
Actually I am not a gaming fan, but if I play something then it could be only the one game - the Sims. I remember that filling when I turned it on at first time. I felt like I discovered a new planet.
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There I can create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules, built different buildings and houses, buy real estate, control the rich ad entertaining moments life's from relationships to careers. I feel so powerful during playing this game.
I know it is unreal, but after in this game I can be successful, have a good career, 10 children, have enough money for my family and for me, travel a lot and make everything about what I dream. There everything is real. It help me a little believe in myself.
My favourite parts there the creating of a new Sim's player and decorating houses.

If you never play this game then you should try. I am sure you will love it!

среда, 7 ноября 2018 г.

When I see snow I think of...

When I see snow I think of a hot tea or hot chocolate, a book, a pillow and a blanket. I would take all of that, come to the window, let down and drink some tea or chocolate and read a book. Or I would take a drink and watch the Christmas cartoons. For me snow it is something magic, what remind me about  the New year, the Christmas, my family, about holidays and the dreams. When I was a small girl I went to bed very early in the New year night  and waited for my presents in the morning.
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Well, I like snow, I just do not like cold in winter. Anyway, snow time is a magic time and do not forget to dream and enjoy this time.

вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.

The list of ten things I am thankful for:

  1. Thanks I'm alive and have two hands, 2 legs, I can breathe and feel tastes;
  2. Thanks I have the parents, the grandparents, a brother, my husband and they are alive; family is the most important thing in my life;
  3. Thanks for the house and for job, we can sleep in warm bed and eat fresh and tasty food;
  4. Thanks for sun and good weather outside, it makes me feel better;
  5. Thanks for a lot of good people around of me;
  6. Thanks for the Internet and opportunity to talk with my family from time to time;
  7. Thanks for the good books, they motivate me to get better and develop myself;
  8. Thanks for the energy to make some training and look better;
  9. Thanks for children, whom I see every day, the are amazing and I keep dreaming about my own;
  10. Thanks for life that we are here, in Canada and our life already is better than life of our parents.

воскресенье, 28 октября 2018 г.

What is your favorite part of the day? Why?

Most of my life I woke up very early. It was and it is the most efficient part of the day for me. In the morning my brain is fresh, and body is full of energy. I like meditation first of all, then yoga and 2 cups of water with lemon juice. It helps me to  clean my mind and get ready for the rest of the day. Then I have some breakfast and write plans for my day, and if I have enough time, I read some books or learn some rules or words in English. It is the best time for learning.  I like to wake up earlier than  other people in the house. Why? Because of magic of mornings.

When you stay one-on-one with yourself, it helps you  for understanding yourself better. You can feel exactly what you want in this life, what is the most important for you, what you want to change and how, what you want to learn and for what, find the sense to be happy and today and the rest of your life, how to be optimistic, and how to make people happy who are close to you. And I can say too much more reasons but for what?
Morning is the best part of the day.

воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г.

Something has changed...

All my life I ate meat, milk, sweets, chips and other bad food sometimes. But something changed in my mind, and now I am thinking about vegetarian food only. During 1 month I tried to eat only vegetables and fruits minimum 1 day a week. And I liked that. First 2 times it was a little bit hard but not too bad. Last 3 weeks I enjoyed that. That feeling is amazing, you feel so a lot of energy and my organism is cleared, because my acne almost came off, my skin is softer and better to touch, my hair is shining. And in addition, I have lost some weight, about 6 pounds. That's great! See the source image
And I have learned that meditation and yoga  clean our mind and give for us more life energy.
I tried to do meditation for 10 minutes when I wake up, and then I did 15 minutes of yoga. After 1 week only I feel more happiness, and I am  happy to stay alive. I am looking forward to the new day and keep enjoying yoga and home exercises.
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I try to keep myself motivated, enjoy usual things and work every day, try to wake up earlier for 1 hour, do not eat before go to bed, try to worry less and more smile, read more and less drink coffee. It's only beginning of my way, but even now I feel so much better.