суббота, 2 февраля 2019 г.

Image result for New Year ResolutionsNew Year Resolutions1.    What was the most memorable event of 2018?
At first, it was my first New Year in Canada together with my husband and without our families. We celebrated it with our friends and it was good enough. At second, I passed the theory exam for driver license and at third, I changed my job. I worked in the hotel before like a cook. I liked that job in the beginning, but after a few month I became to hate it and it was too hard to stay there. And now I am glad, that I work in the store.2.    What do you expect from 2019?
First of all I hope we will get our documents for Permanent resident and begin planning for moving to other bigger city. In addition, I hope we will visit our families at home or at least go to somewhere for holidays, with big beaches, oceans and great hotels.3.    What are your goals in learning English in 2019? What would you like to work on? What would you like to be able to do by the end of 2019?
One of my goal is to learn all tenses and majority rules in English, such as conditionals, phrasal verbs, perfect passive, participles and other and use them correct and as often as possible in my daily speaking.  And of course learn new words; watch more films, serials and cartoons, listen and read more on English. Also I would like to work on other goals. I want:
·       to do exercising regularly at home and eat more healthy food
·       make more cosmetic procedures for body and face, such as massage, scrubbing and other
·       control and track financial expenses and make more savings
·       read minimum 30 min per day or 1 book per 2-3 weeks
·       learn how to create and edit high quality photos and videos
·       create and begin my fitness blog and do posts regularly
·       go to bed earlier, and wake up at 6-7a.m. every day
·       write my diary every day
          And I would like to able to do by the end of 2019:
Ø feel more energy in my body and be more active
Ø be more confident in English
Ø achieve majority of my purposes for 2019

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