четверг, 7 февраля 2019 г.

What does it mean to love someone?
Image result for loveLove. It is a BIG word. It has so mane meanings. To love and be loved in return is the best feeling in the world. Love is what makes the world go around, because it inspires, motivates and makes people happy. But love and also tear people apart. Love can do a lot of things in a person's life, but what does it really mean to love someone?
For me, first of all it means supporting the other person.Even when you may disagree at first, you will only give your opinions on the situations and support your partner's decision no matter what that is.
Loving someone is making time for him or for her. No matter how busy you are, you never forget to ask how his or her day went, express how much you miss him or her and do the small things to show that you care.
Loving someone means determination and dedication. Uncommitted love is not  true love. It mean that you will stick with you partner through the good and bad, and that you only have your eyes for him or her, not looking for other "options".
Image result for love
Loving someone means getting furious when you feel that your relationship is threatened. It means fighting for one you love. As the saying goes, love is much like a rose, gentle and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.

Loving someone means peace of mind. You both trust each other even if you are not always together. It means your partner feel secure, and offer the assurance that he or she will always be someone special to you no matter what the circumstances are.

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