пятница, 31 августа 2018 г.

Denmark's experience

I lived and worked in Denmark for one year.  My job was in the greenhouse in the Hinnerup. I worked with orchids, from smallest to biggest. I liked worked there very much. It was a quite, not stressful. interesting and easy job. My bosses were friendly and nice with all employees. Our greenhouse was very big. We sold out about 70,000 orchids every month.
Also I traveled a little bit in Denmark. My husband worked in Denmark too, just in other part of Denmark. Almost every week I went to visit  him for weekend. Together we visited South and North part of country. It is nice places, very clean, and somewhere people had a lot of different plants on gardens. They smelt so nice. We visited few museums. out favorite was The Viking's museum and Aros museum in the Arhus.
One thing  I actually  really didn't like was the  Danish language. It reminded me the Goose language. It was so ugly.
But the rest things we liked. I'm glad I was there, it was good life's experience.


пятница, 24 августа 2018 г.

What is cooking for me?

Every time  I cook I try to enjoy the process. Just turn on the favorite music, wear alpine and create something delicious and good looking meal. I started to cook from 12 years old. My mother is a good cook and she taught me what and how cook. At that time it was very responsible task for me. It was so exciting, take some ingredients, cut them for pieces, bake, boil or grill them, add some spices and after receive amazingly delicious dishes with different flavor combinations. I have a big family and because of that I cooked often. It helped me to improve my cooking skills.
Now I can cook anything what I would like or what would like my husband. I'm not afraid to try new dishes. I very like to try to cook meals of different countries of the world. It motivates me to create the new flavors and organize a feast for taste buds. It's one of the habits what helps me to enjoy my life and please the husband and close to me people. For me it's like a magic. It doesn't matter what I cook: sweets, meat, salads or pasta. It is the chance to make delicious dishes from usual ingredients.

пятница, 17 августа 2018 г.

Sport journey

Everybody knows sport is very useful for our health. I started to understand that from my childhood. The time in school was the beginning of my sport competitions. Our Physical education teacher noticed that I was better that many others to rent sport regulations. He invited me to participate in sport competitions and I won. The first time I won.
It was so exciting. I liked that filling of winning, the feeling when you train, when you feel cheerful and full of energy. Since that time I have taken an active part in all sport competitions which I could get. I lost and won, but  never stopped and trained until the muscles failure.  It was my habit.
Later I began to try myself in the gym. Everything was a novelty in the beginning there. I read a lot and watched videos on the internet how to do a lot of exercises and autobiographies of famous athletes. That helped me better understand my body and  feelings during training. And over time I learned to train properly and to look as I want and in time that I need.
I felt stronger and happier. Now I don't have the opportunity to go to the gym. But I train at home. It's better then nothing. And when I'll arrive in the big city I'll definitely go to the gym to do what I love and look at all 100 percent. Then I'm probably take part in a fitness bikini sport competition and realize my long-standing dream.

пятница, 10 августа 2018 г.

Fateful meeting

My first relationship were not successful. My first boyfriend was drug dealer. I didn't know that about 6 months from the beginning of our relationships. That news was hard for me. I understood he poisoned a lot of people and saw a few times how children, about 12 years old came to him for drugs. And he gave those drugs for them. It was terrible. We had a big fight and he said he won't sell drugs any more. I said if he will sell drugs one more time I'll throw him. I gave for him the second chance but deeply in my heart I understood that everything would not be as before. 
My family was invited to the wedding. It was in winter. Before Valentine's day. I met my husband there. It was a thrilling encounter. He stood out from all the guests. Strong, handsome, confident man with an attractive look. Something in him attracted me. And now I know he felt the same. We danced together and talked a lot. Just about everything. I was afraid to admit for myself that I fell in love at first sight. I had a boyfriend and we lived so far away from each other. I did not want to leave that wedding. For the first time in my life I felt that someone strong wanted to protect and to patronize me, who understood me perfectly, with whom I could talk about everything. I just felt it by every cell of my soul and body. After that I knew I would not be the same. 
After few days later I found out my boyfriend was selling drugs again. It was the end. 
With my husband we are together 4 years for now. I believe nothing in life is accidental. We had to be together and still ahead.

суббота, 4 августа 2018 г.

My family


My family isn't big. It's me, my elder brother, mom and dad. Their names are Ivan, Lyubov and Ruslan. They are living in the small town Shepetivka Chmelnytska region (West side of Ukraine). My father is a carpenter by trade but he doesn't work at present. He growth grapes at home and make homemade wine. My mom is nurse by profession but works on grain factory now. As for my brother he finished technical college but because of health he can't work and stays at home at the moment.


It was hard news for them when I told  about my decision to live in another country. They didn't understand me in the beginning because I studied in University and I was one of the best students. I already had the diploma with honors from Technical college. They were worrying about my future so much. And me too. First of all because I didn't finish my studies,  at second I wasn't married to my boyfriend(now he is my husband), at third - it was very dangerous to go to another country without money and English language practice. My husband worked in Denmark at that time and he helped me with money, but anyway parents didn't trust him. We had a lot of discussion and stressful conversations.


But I did it. I was exactly sure that I want better life than my family. Now I'm in Canada and you know I feel like at home now. It's mine. I'm missing my family very much  but I'm glad I made that hard decision. Now my parents are proud of me . I'm very grateful for them for everything and I'll be very happy if they would come here for some time. I hope it will happen but now all I can do just wait and develop myself till they'll come.